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Reasons To Surf

Community. Camaraderie. Confidence.

Three reasons people should surf….wow, only three! Ok, here it goes. There are so many but we will focus on one of the motto’s of iSurf which is surfing builds community, camaraderie, and confidence.


When you surf you instantly have community. You become a part of a larger collective of like minded people, sharing in the high of communing with the ocean. Being a part of something that is bigger than just ourselves is reassuring and satisfying in ways that are hard to describe. No one wants to feel as though they are traveling alone in this life and with surfing you instantly have a common bond with others that is pretty soul satisfying.


Defined as mutual trust and friendship among people who spend a lot of time together. When you surf, other surfers are stoked for you, even when they may not know you personally. You will hear surfers cheering for each other when someone gets a good wave. While you may not know everyone out in the water surfing, you begin to recognize people and they recognize you and through that sense of community, camaraderie also thrives.


Learning to surf is incredibly difficult. There are few times in life that we fall down, get back up and go do it again, and again, and again. Learning to deal with difficult conditions builds tremendous confidence that most surfers take with them in everything they do in life. Surfers also gain confidence from the support of their community and the camaraderie that surfers all share.

a group of people in a body of water
a group of people posing for the camera